Sunday, May 16, 2004

Right now, common sense and research say similar things:

It's negative thing, in that it's the wrong answer to one of the measures of feasibility.

But it's the only handicap that increases the goal of relationships. And since that's the result which holds the greatest potential value in relationships, it becomes a positive thing for me.

I want it because I don't mind something more difficult, especially when the rewards are greater.

Monday, May 10, 2004

This is great weather for agriculture. The very hot, wet and humid climate we're having should foster a very agreeable environment for being overwhelmed by lush greenery tomorrow.

I have to clean up my room. I thought I was about to break my lone streak. That math professor's imagination would turn over in its grave if it knew how worn out my sleeve was becoming..

Liking is such a polite excuse for beating around the the dubya (strafing the issue). At extremes, the real fire clearly shines through.

Well, time for bed..

Saturday, May 08, 2004

After they had been riding for a while, they reached the foothills of a massive steppe. Othello couldn't see the cloud-shrouded summit, but he hung on, determined to wear out the tigress. She threw a furtive glance at him and growled as she jumped over another gaping river chasm.

They were headed straight up in the direction of the steepest incline, and he could see the beginnings of ice forming over the rocks. As he adjusted his grip to hold on to the increasingly hot and sweaty fur more tightly, he saw steam beginning to escape from her nostrils.

As the ground began to turn white he noticed her huge claws turning red and starting to melt right through the rock hard ice. As he turned towards the direction they were headed anew, he noticed there was nowhere left to go, they were headed for a wall. Suddenly she jumped abruptly and pounced vertically upwards.

They flew a few meters into the sky directly parallel to the cliff. As they reached the peak of their climb, She dug both her front claws into the facade and pulled herself up. As he held on, her body was tense and completely stiff. He almost had to reach around her neck as she slowly freed one paw and slowly began to climb higher, scaling the cliff almost as fast as she had run.

Othello didn't dare look down, but all he could see above them was the fog of clouds covering the mountain tops. They finally seemed to reach the edge of the cliff they'd been scaling. The temperature was clearly sub arctic but the tigress' body was still steaming.

"Know thyself"
-Split Infinity
Her look had smoldered through all my defenses, evoking a feeling so pure it was matched only by the egoism I felt in wanting it only for myself.
I felt so naive, it had exceeded my wildest expectations. I felt as though I'd always known her and yet she was so unlike anyone I'd ever met before..
My first thought was of waking up in the middle of the night and deserting her and our fleeting dream.
He knew he would probably not only be shattering my peace with the door's ear-piercing creak, but also be forcing me to get up, since I presumably didn't have my reaching broom or that lever and pulley system.

Using Da Vinci's conservation of energy method, he gets to stay up longer.

With all that time on his hands though, he was bound to get lonely. He'd obviously forgotten the screaming fit I'd thrown at him right before since he'd so casually decided to stroll in
He was bored, did I want to watch a movie or something?

Giving in, I fed them, waking the neighbourhood..

I really have to start closing my door more often.

"... that takes place in an entirely fictional town, with fictional players, and fictional clothes.."

Friday, May 07, 2004

Sure, feeling secure is important.. but too much security is boring. Where is the sense of adventure, the inspiring unpredictability? I want to feel secure in the knowledge that nothing is for sure. In the knowledge that I create my own destiny. The only thing that's for sure is that anything can happen, but only if you try. Risk takes courage, and that's what makes it beautiful.

"Quickly, follow the unknown.."
-The Hip

Thursday, May 06, 2004


Those others have of me, those unlucky people have of things within and without their control and the practically indestructible ones I form immediately after making even the slightest of mistakes.

What's right isn't always the easiest thing to do. Motivated by greed but acting under the pretense of benevolence, I protested. I'll go with the flow.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Caught red-handed. Is there anything more embarrassing? I feel as though there was some kind of invisible ledger where everything was tabulated, and being caught caused a loss..

I feel the lull of routine and discipline pulling me in the correct direction, but I also know that I should be rational about my wishes and stop being a slave to what I think is right.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

I started looking for that elusive needle in a haystack. I have little to no proof it isn't attached to me, but on the off chance that it might not be I'll try and face it. I feel like a dog who's chasing his own tail.

Summer is nearly in full-bloom and I still haven't accomplished any of the things I wanted to. I started eating less, banking on the knowledge that people who eat less live longer. Sure, I've given in to temptation a few times throughout the semester, but it was always on a whim and definitely a learning experience. Anyway, I think that I can learn from my mistakes.

'But if we don't watch commercials it's like we're stealing t.v.!'

Sunday, May 02, 2004

The most motivating factor in getting me to disbelieve was the pattern that I thought I noticed.
The satisfaction I felt when I allowed it to prove my point always appeared to outweigh, albeit barely, the constant and increasingly heavy cowl it placed upon my mind. The recurrent rules it spawned seemed observably incontestable.

But I shrug it off and play through the pain. Irreparable, unforgiveable and dumb, but only mistakes. When I try to be this carefully clean, the trivial carelessness I could have taken for granted is the growing thorn in my side.

"Know the rules, and know when to break them"