Monday, July 28, 2008

Dreams recently have been on the whole spectrum from so good I feel too satisfied to write them down waking up to just mediocre (feels like extra waking time) to bad ones (ants crawling everywhere, not knowing the answer to questions)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Being a sellout is usually a bad idea, and changing your tastes about popular trends, i.e. jumping on the bandwagon, is not something I find attractive. I consider myself someone who takes ideals seriously, with clear likes and dislikes.
That being said, there is something to be said for being realistic. I used to be a lot less attracted to popular culture at all.. And a lot less concerned with the environment. How much is due to the changing state of the world and globalization and how much to my coming of age it's hard to say.
I wonder how much my realistic side (which is all often seeming to knowingly say, "You should treat yourself") is at fault for my feeling of coming short of my perfectionist goal, and how much of it is I should have waited, and the moment will present itself, like it sometimes does..

Monday, July 21, 2008

My job interviews went well today, I feel bad for everyone who is helping me dream so much, my dreams these days are so bland.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Really digging the new iPod firmware. I must have signed up for at least 5 new accounts on social media nets since I got the new apps. Clowdy is pretty cool for sharing photos, for example:

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Feeling a little childish, like I forgot to get what I was sent on an errand to get and I don't want to face the music.
The synchronicity I had with wanting a song (Oakenfold - Zoo York) while the emusic website was down then hearing it at the end of a podcast (DJ Spyhunter - Rise and Fall) continued into weirdness with the song I just bought (Pixies - Where is my mind) playing after another podcast (Blacklight in the attic) that I was having a hard time liking, for some unknown reason. Working on my social skills, I guess I don't want to feel superior in retrospect, even though their imagination requires breaking the (unfair) rules. I feel like even trying to relate by saying I once wanted what they want is wrong because it's implying I'm better (superior) now. I'm spoiled by this great novel (Rainbow's End) I'm reading.
It's probably obvious but I'm trying to be less superior so hard 'cause its my resolution for July.