Friday, December 29, 2006

Here are a few of the new songs/podcasts I've been listening to recently:

GT vs. Project C, most of their mixes are available for download in the forum by the same name, I recommend 11, 15 and 18 if you like vocal trance.

Just Good Music Podcast (available in the Itunes podcast directory): Episode "Best of 2005", the last song (20min mark).

I've also been watching the "Yoga Today" vodcast. They are large downloads but top notch quality. Some of that stuff is hard!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

It's like I'm in the twilight zone or something!
When I regret something it projects back into the past as a warning which, since the regret comes after the fact, doesn't warn me on time. Rather, I want to learn from my mistake as a whole and not focus on the details. Project that back in time as a stand-alone framework lesson and not a situation specific regret.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Synchronicity convinced me I am right to think it's not as easy as some atheists would have you believe, hehe..
I mean sure, physics can precisely and minutely describe everything that happened since the big bang but if you stop there then that really isn't any better since if you can't explain the big bang then nothing is stopping anything else from happening and being "Big Bang #2" or something..
Besides, there are a whole slew of things, from the quantum molecular level to the light-bending-around-stars magnitude that physics can't account for and could easily explain a great number of 'paranormal' phenomena that people usually dismiss out of hand instead of being a little more tolerant.
Now I'm not advocating joining Heaven's Gate or anything like that, but can we please open our eyes and start taking a look at this stuff instead of spending so much time and money killing each other in Iraq?

Monday, December 18, 2006

Whoa, I can't be sure it was a dream (but where else could I remember this from?) but I remember reading that my idea was accepted into the Global Ideas Bank recently, and lo and behold this morning I get an e-mail from them saying just that!

Click Here to see it!

Friday, December 15, 2006

More on the story. I just realized how similar to Hypnic's description of his dream, when he had an OBE:
"Next I was flying towards the back of my head, from the direction of the sun. I entered my brain and began paging through my memories, having no clue who I was. At the same time I was freaking out because I didn’t know how to interface with this reality properly and it felt permanent."

Thursday, December 14, 2006

My Goals : Sustainability & Exploration

I. Sustainability means living in harmony with nature and others such that all my basic needs are met. Anything possible is available in unlimited quantities at nobody's expense.

II. Exploration means going out and finding new places and ideas. Settling in other places, building a sustainable system while preserving the original state of affairs. Getting to know new people and developing new abilities for communication.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I totally got beaten up in my dream last night.. and I didn't evn fight back. Didn't hurt as much as I thought. I tried closing my fist as hard as I could to show him how big it was but he could break it by closing his hand over it. Also dreamt about telling my old Math 314 prof, I shouldn't hold grudges like that.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The solution to growing social isolation caused by perpetual iPod use

So the other day I was imagining what it would be like if everyone on the bus could hear the music I was listening to when I got the idea for the next ipod.
They already have iTrip, a little device that you connect to your ipod to let it broadcast to a local radio station. All they have to do is miniaturize it by designing it to broadcast only to other ipods. Wouldn't it be cool for the whole subway car to be tuned in to the same dj's playlist?

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Reality Gloves.

In this story, people use bodies to handle this universe similarly to how scientists use glove boxes.

Noone's very conscious of this fact, or this story wouldn't be quite as fantastic. In fact, very few people ever stopped to wonder where they come from and why they're here. Sure, everyone had heard of those questions, such as how exactly something as material as a body could be controlled by something as immaterial as a mind, but they were usually waved off and left to realm of philosophy and theology.

After all, it didn't make much sense to risk everything just to know something you'd eventually figure out anyway, right?

But in this story, every so often someone would resurface on their own. Everyone had their own methods, none of them very appealing to the general populace, who by and large accepted that the price to pay for wearing these gloves was total amnesia with regards to your higher self.

Resurfacing, my first instinct was going back. Diving back down, I now had to find my body. Of course it was effortless, all I really had to do was let go. But trying to understand the decisions that were being made for me was interesting. There was the me from other times, the me that had made different decisions, a infinite number of me's..

Perhaps the most interesting, however was the scene I witnessed while trying to reach you.

to be continued...

Friday, December 01, 2006

I wish that what I want to believe is true.

I want to be great at disciplining my thoughts. I want to have an excellent memory. I imagine myself safe, financially secure, achieving this admirable diploma at McGill, being trustworthy and attractive to others. I want to worry less about other people being affected by my actions.

My idea of heaven is an infinite number of new beautiful places to visit, a great big isolated house bought and paid for to rest in for as long as I want. Sustainable and renewing sources of food supplying me with exactly as much food as I require with minimal work. Contact with the rest of the world through the internet and cable tv. Tangible achievements to satisfy my family and give financial gifts to them. A useful history of problems I caused such that I can fix them. A creative job inventing super beautiful and useful things for people.

I'm grateful for the opportunity I had growing up to learn 3 languages. I'm grateful for having Alex as a friend who introduced me to reading lots of books and computers. I'm grateful for learning to use the internet at the best time so that I could shape it. I'm grateful for the confidence inspiring and reassuring friendships and relationships I have had.

I want the intentions I have to shine through from my soul as the beautiful and honest desires they are. I want the beauty in things to be the only thing that matters.
Mood: Worried
Got in an accident at work today. The whole day started out wrong when I decided to go with only a t-shirt under my winter coat. Zack says it's like the time I was going to high school in t-shirts in November and got pneumonia. I'm on my own now, and it's depressing. Zack is the new guy who's always comparing patterns with my history.
It was really cold coming out, especially since my coat was so loose the wind would just blow through all the time. A car splashed me in the face while I was waiting for the bus in the dark. Still didn't like listening to my favorite songs. Lots of milk to do at work, and Parc had lots of stuff from across the street which meant more time outside in the freezing rain.
Then right as 11 o'clock rolled around and the second guy (Manny) started, I locked the keys in the van. I didn't think we had a spare, so I tried the key from the other van, a coat hanger, then went to the mechanic's, then tried taxis, the cops and finally I told my boss. He found a spare in no time and I managed to get it open.
I had wasted about an hour running around trying to solve the problem by myself. Deliveries were late and it cumulated down to the next run. I didn't finish until 3:30 and walked in to my Comp 251 tutorial soaking wet from walking to the Arts building from Peel station.
I finally got home later with my roommate's bf right behind me. They were kind enough to share some of their meal with me. Then they left for the weekend, and here I am, trying to study for finals next week. It's like the season which had been building since November decided to hit all at once. I gave my phone number to the car I hit, backing up in the alley while they were trying to get out.