Wednesday, September 30, 2009

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Kind of want to go to the Matt and Kim show tonight.. 1am/15$ though, and not exactly my side of downtown..
Here is the top of my current playlist:

Fanfarlo_15_Talking Backwards.mp3
01 Percussion Gun.m4a
01 Quicksand (Demo Version).m4a
02 Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up).m4a
01 Fixin' to Thrill.m4a
01 Black River Killer.m4a
Various_06_This Machine.mp3
04 Now We Can See.m4a
We Were Promised Jetpacks_01_It's Thunder And It's Lightning.mp3
Delphic_01_This Momentary.mp3
Various Artists_10_This Sweet Love (Prins Thomas Sneaky Edit).mp3
01 When We Were Young.m4a
Easily Embarrassed - Mirror's Backside.mp3

Bonus points to anyone who recognizes more than one song!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009

I need to know where to go!
Might not wait for Japan and Australia for vacation in November.. I think I'm going to somewhere in 3 weeks. I want to go to Peru, or China

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Normally autumn is my favorite season, but this year I can't believe summer's over already.. I hope it's a dry autumn with a crinkly leaf
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About to start 4th month in this half-finished apartment with no shower or stove. Grateful for frozen pizzas and my trusty rice cooker!
Looking to set up a home-made DVR on my mac with a USB TV tuner and MythTV or something.. Hopefully I'll have it up and running soon
4chan thread!

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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Japanese Dream

I dreamt about a japanese girl who was avoiding attention from the public while trying to make friends with families sympathetic to her. The elder sister of the party she was visiting said that the amount of meat she brought, a lot, was a waste.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Testing my fireplace
Testing my fireplace

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

So although this might seem a little ADD..
These pictures are carefully culled from about 10x more from at least a dozen different sources..

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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Animated GIF thread!

Hey the other day I was having my short term memory problem I was talking on my cellphone (have you ever thought about how funny people's conversations sound when you can only hear one side of them?) and I was reminded of this old mac game called 'deja vu' where the protagonist wakes up and can't remember who he is. So talking on my cellphone (or talking to my-"cellph", i.e. myself) I ask them, "Did you ever get your driver's license?", which might be a good question to ask oneself if you can't remember who you are! Wow, complicated, I know, but I had to say the whole thing..

Friday, September 11, 2009

"Body temperature down! I repeat, body temperature down!" (<-- said the way cops or army guys say it when one of their men goes down.) ...Ah, good times...

Why am I always attracted to 'dog' people? I am and have always been a cat person. I used to be fervent but I guess I used to like wolves too and since my teenage (I was a late bloomer) crises where I now have to admit that you can't be 100% on anything, I guess I can see how (some) dogs are OK.. I mean, I liked it when the two we have at home play-fought, or the one my bought (a big white shepard).

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Monday, September 07, 2009