Thursday, December 10, 2009

Volunteered at the Japanese cultural center and made mochi! I've never seen so much rice!
Volunteered at the Japanese cultural center and made mochi! I've never seen so much rice!

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Thursday, December 03, 2009

Worst news week ever..
Two days ago I read this infographic saying the leading cause of death in men my age is suicide.. Then today I read about the 13 year old girl who killed herself over bullying about sexting. I mean, I get depressed as the next person, but honestly, how could the leading cause be suicide? So many people, potential, just wasted.
Now putting myself aside as an individual, I was pretty proud of being Canadian, then I read about how the tarsand barons are supposedly turning Canada into the worst nation for the environment.. I mean, it's the future were talking about. Having said that, no matter how bleak I don't think anyone should be considering killing themselves..