Sunday, February 15, 2004

In grade 9 french class, everyone waited for their math marks. My cousin was also there, and I remember feeling proud and elated this was a grade we shared. I remember waiting for the marks list, not caring that according to my belief these grades were not private. The teacher passed out a copy nearby and skipped me so I made an effort to make eye contact and got something. It looked like an old report card, with too much detail for the anxious. Naturally I looked to the bottom right-hand corner of the paper for the final total, and my heart skipped a beat when I read 20. The fight-or-flight was unnerving as I frantically scanned the paper. I later saw that 20 meant '20 out of 20' and my final grade (possibly written in pen) was written near the top of the right-hand side. I had 70%, which is certainly better than 20 but nothing to write home about either. The initial shock I experienced by accident definitely dulled any reaction I subsequently had.

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