Saturday, May 08, 2004

My first thought was of waking up in the middle of the night and deserting her and our fleeting dream.
He knew he would probably not only be shattering my peace with the door's ear-piercing creak, but also be forcing me to get up, since I presumably didn't have my reaching broom or that lever and pulley system.

Using Da Vinci's conservation of energy method, he gets to stay up longer.

With all that time on his hands though, he was bound to get lonely. He'd obviously forgotten the screaming fit I'd thrown at him right before since he'd so casually decided to stroll in
He was bored, did I want to watch a movie or something?

Giving in, I fed them, waking the neighbourhood..

I really have to start closing my door more often.

"... that takes place in an entirely fictional town, with fictional players, and fictional clothes.."