Monday, July 20, 2009

Pish Posh

Where I'm landed now.. Well the new apartment certainly is pretty awesome even though it's not finished. I sometimes still feel bad about going against my parents' wishes to change companies but I like my job a lot more now. My finances are OK, still nowhere near debt even this year hasn't been very good savings-wise.
At least I have my health, I should be happy but sometimes it's hard when I get down about being lonely or something or other and feel like I don't want to talk to my parents or brother because I never really had to growing up and it seems I don't want to be the kind of person to only talk to someone when they need a friend, even if I hope I can count on my family to always be there for me.
In general I'm pretty much living the dream, I feel like I give myself a 'carte blanche' when it comes to having fun or splurging on something, even if it's something I wouldn't have done even a few months ago.
Living alone is so liberating! Of course I still can't justify any of the fun I have, and this is going to sound extremely crazy but it's the little things, they're at once easy to do anyway if I feel like it, but when I am trying to be on my best behavior it's annoying not to be able to do things I used to take for granted.
Take listening to the radio in the car for example. I like listening to a pop station or another, but over the couple of years I've had my car I somehow managed to work all these little reasons why I 'shouldn't' listen to the radio, like that it uses the battery and therefore gas, or the stuff that's on the radio doesn't have very good cultural merit anyway or that listening to the radio will change me in the direction I'm trying to change away from (if that makes any sense) in order to be more attractive to the people I want to be with.
So that's about it, besides that everything is fine and if I can somehow find a way to deal with the fact that all these tiny unreasonable reasons always seem to pop up at the worst times to impede me from enjoying the most ordinary of pleasures I'll be all set.

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