Wednesday, September 17, 2003

I go to school, am doing alright except that I'm a few days late. I return home, and call the french teacher after I've made myself an awesome lunch. I'm all apologetic, and it's alright, getting by as always. We then talk a little about the new teacher, who I'm apparently having difficulties with. Then, I'm going upstairs as I expect to hang up soon, and brother is super disrespectful of my food like, "Here, I set it up for you" and throws it. Other brother laughs. I want to say, "Hey!" but I'm on the phone and I resign myself to the fact that if I didn't catch him in the act it's no good. So I make my choice among both priorities and lock myself in the bathroom to get privacy and finish this phone conversation.
I say, "Hello.... Hello?"
Finally, The new teacher answers instead of the french one. She's like, all teary-eyed and stuff, and talking about her morning class, but I correct her and tell her I'm going to be in her afternoon class. She's like, "Afternoon? Yeah, I'm going to it right now! Are you going to be there or do you want me to stand around like a picket?!" (In french, with a french accent.) My heart sinks, as I'm going through the possibilities: I can run and make it late, or not. And I tell her, "No, no.. But in the future (a l'avenir..)." Bad on all fronts: bad with brother, bad with the teacher!

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